CROPS resources schools in the areas of SMSC (assemblies & collapsed days), syllabus input (RE/Philosophy & Ethics), as well as providing pastoral support to young people. We have been working in a wide range of primary and secondary schools in the Greater Peterborough area since 1989.
We fully subscribe to the guidance and code of conduct, “Religious Believers Visiting Schools”, published by the National Association of Teachers in Religious Education (NATRE) in 2007.
The resources we offer can provide valuable information, education and support to schools in fulfilling their aims.
CROPS visit our assemblies each term to share a Christian message in a manner that is relevant and engaging for young people of all faiths and none.
In our approach to education we seek to understand and work within agreed curriculum frameworks and guidelines, published nationally or locally. In our contribution to Religious education and SMSC we seek to assist pupils to evaluate Christianity as a way of life by:
All that we do is made possible through the generosity of the individuals, churches and charitable trusts that support our work. If you wish to donate to our work please contact us to talk this through. We can supply a list of suggested donations for resources we bring into school.