
Autumn Term 2013


It's coming to that time of the year again, the Christmas holiday's! Teachers and kids alike are exhausted, and at CROPS we're looking forward to a break as well. The term's been packed with exciting opportunities and events, from our every day clubs at lunch time like Hot Chocolate Club and Park Up, to assemblies we run and the mentoring we do in school's across Peterborough, plus much more. However, none of what we do at CROPS would be possible without the people that support us. As a team, we'd just like to make this post thanking every-one who has supported us, in so many different ways. From finance, to prayer, to time. We hope you have a Blessed Christmas, and a very happy new year. God Bless!
Matt Wild

By Matt Wild

Director at CROPS

Check out our new Monthly Update E-News

We have just launched our first monthly update e-news where we share about what has gone on this past month across our Primary Schools work with Rachel, our Mentoring Project with Chris and Secondary Schools work with Sam. As well as TOGETHER and our Letton Hall HouseParty's. We also really…

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CROPS Mentoring is expanding!

In 2017, CROPS Mentoring began in Peterborough secondary schools. Over the last 8 years we have supported hundreds of young people facing difficult circumstances and needing someone to talk to, by holding over 12,000 mentoring sessions.CROPS Mentoring was set up as…

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